Today You Are 10 Months

Dear Samuel, Oh my! You are now in the double digits! This year is flying by, but what a month you had!  This past month you:

tried beef - you liked it at first, now not so much
pulled up to your knees at the couch
put up Christmas decorations with Mommy
started throwing things; you weren't mad, just having fun!
waved bye-bye for the first time
visited North Park Center to look at the lights and decorations
figured out how to really splash in the tub
celebrated your first Thanksgiving
had your nine-month appointment - we learned you're going to be a slender guy like Daddy
took a few real crawls here and there
got really good at standing (with help)
learned the word nose!!
visited Santa for the first time - he loved you extra-special
tried and loved finger food; puffs and Mommy's Gourmet Toast Sticks
went Christmas shopping with Mommy

and best of met Papa and Grandma!

You make the holidays so much fun.  Can't wait for Christmas this week!
