Evie at Three Months

Evelyn Mae,you are three months today!  I think we have settled into life as a family of four and it's hard to imagine what life was like before you came along!  We've been trying to guess what you will be like as you get older (we're thinking you'll be pretty laid-back), but we know for sure you are the sweetest baby girl there ever was.

Big Brother seems more and more in love with you each day.  We continually have to remind him to back up and give you space.  Over the last week or so he's started giving you kisses - something he seemed afraid to do up until this point.  Now we can't stop him!  Your forehead, cheeks, toes - he smooches them all!  The first photo is from when he came in your room and asked to give you a kiss mid-way through our photo shoot.  I didn't want him to distract you, but how could I say no? 

When he's not kissing you, he's dancing around trying to make you laugh, and you almost always do.  You gave us your first belly laugh this month.  Sam was doing The Robot dance and you thought that was pretty funny.  Then we started bouncing around which really made you laugh.  We can't wait to hear more of those hearty laughs.

I love this image of you because it shows how you smile with your shoulders.  You give us big grins, then scrunch up your shoulders.  You are still the smiliest baby I've ever known.  I get a big smile from you in the morning when I come to get you out of your crib, then you end the day by smiling at me while I swaddle you up after your last feeding.  Everyday is the same!  We love that you're so happy and content. 

People comment on your eyes now more than your cheeks.  They are always wide open, taking in all the details of the world around you.  You still look just like your daddy.  I don't see a bit of me in you which is funny because Brother and I look so much alike.  We also see a lot of Papa Emil in certain expressions you make.  You're a Straka for sure!

You've discovered you can chew on your hands and fingers.  You also like to play in your "jungle gym" and grab on to the ladybug and ring rattles.  You're getting a little better at tummy time, but we still have a long way to go when it comes to your neck strength while you're laying down.  You hold your head up really well when we're holding you, though.  It seems you're still happiest being held and bounced while we walk around the house with you.  Sam and I have taken you to the park several times in your baby carrier and you always fall asleep - you get really snug and warm in there!  

Measurements - 

weight - 14 lb, 5 oz 

length- not sure, but you're too long for your 0-3 months pants and sleepers!
head - ___ in -- your 3-6 month hat doesn't fit, silly girl!

Clothes - You are definitely in 3-6 month clothing now, with a little room to grow in most of your outfits, which is great.  I have to say it's been fun dressing you up everyday!  You wear a sleeper or a onesie and pants to bed at night.

Diapers - You're in a size 2, and hopefully we'll be there for a while.

Feedings - You're a very predictable eater now.  You eat five to six times a day, your first feeding is between 8 and 9, your last between 11 and 12.  You're still a fast eater and an easy burper.  You've got this eating thing down.  You had your first bottle this week.  I was worried you wouldn't like it or know how to take it, but you snarfed it down like a little piggy.  Gram and Pops fed you a bottle last weekend and you ate it right up!  Such a good eater you are!

Sleeping - You've been sleeping through the night (a good 8-10 hours) every night for the last four weeks.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

official three month chair photo

Look at you GROW!